Energy Tax credit

The government tax credit for windows requires two energy factors which must be met in order to qualify for the credit.

  1. U-Value less than or equal to 0.30
  2. Solar heat gain coefficient less than or equal to 0.30

Our single glazed storm windows cannot achieve these energy factors on their own. An insulated glass or (IG) unit is normally required to meet this specification. The government specification will allow a storm window to be used in conjunction with a prime window to achieve the energy rating. In order to qualify, our storm window would have to be tested by an independent testing facility in tandem with the prime window. If the combination of storm and prime windows meet the above mentioned codes, then the two windows could be installed together. By simply installing our storm windows over an existing prime window we cannot determine the energy values without testing each window in the home. In order to receive the tax credit the manufacturer of the window is required to supply a certificate to the end user which states that the product has been tested and passes the requirements. We cannot supply this certificate for the above mentioned reasons. All Allied storm windows do not qualify for the energy tax credit.

For more information please click on this link.